miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2009

My discoveries

The first place I landed in america was Texas and then Montana. I went from France to the southern end of Lake Ontario. I went across Lake Erie, through the Strait of Detroit, across Lake Saint Clair. I then went across Lake Huron and reached Green Bay on Lake Michigan. . I was famus because he was the first european to go to the missisipi river. I saw a huge country named canda put we didnt went there instead we went south. Then we saw another countri with a river entering it so we entered the furius river. We feeled the water in our face. The rivered continued but know it looked like a lake... it was a gulf! We had arrived to the gulf of mexico. Then after more days of sailing now north... we found land! There was Texas with a lot of people standing. Some opf them looked surprised other looked happy and others scared. But we where the ones who were more nervus, happy and scared at the same time...

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